GAPS Intro Pancakes (3 Ingredients, Paleo) | How We Flourish (2024)

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I write a lot about being satisfied by my foods in GAPS Intro and about how much I love soup. But that doesn’t mean that, come the third week, I wasn’t super excited for:

GAPS Intro Pancakes.

I mean, not only was it solid food, but I was still just at the beginning of my healing. I still was dealing with cravings, especially for my beloved nuts. Which as you know, I have since cut out until I heal the whole psychology aspect of my GAPS, as I discuss here. As of this posting, I have actually gone almost 4 weeks without nuts and I am not incredibly anxious to get back to them like I was before. I truly am healing.

GAPS Intro Pancakes (3 Ingredients, Paleo) | How We Flourish (1)

But that doesn’t mean that the GAPS Intro pancakes aren’t an amazing addition to the diet. They are a non-soup food, they taste amazing, they can be transported easily, and they are quite nourishing if you can tolerate nuts. At that point in Intro, they are a huge quality of life food.

As I prepared to make these delicious GAPS Intro pancakes, I realized…I couldn’t find a recipe. Gut and Psychology Syndrome didn’t give proportions. What Can I Eat Now didn’t include nuts in one, and used ground nuts (as opposed to nut butter, like Dr. Natasha recommends) in another. Searching the internet, I was surprised to find there wasn’t really anything available. *side note* Throughout this whole process I have been surprised by how few resources are available considering how many Intro journals can be found. One of my goals is to help fill this gap (no pun intended).

I found a recipe that only uses yolks (note that cinnamon should not be used until Stage 6), which is great if you can’t tolerate the whites. But I wanted to use whites. I do tolerate them, so I don’t want to waste them. I found this recipe that calls for whipping the whites, which I bet makes amazing pancakes. But I need to keep GAPS Intro sustainable for me. I keep things easy. I’m the girl who would batch cook two soups a week and only eat those because it was the least amount of work.

I wanted to keep it simple, so I created my own GAPS Intro pancake recipe: 3 ingredients, no complicated preparations, pure deliciousness.

GAPS Intro Pancakes (3 Ingredients, Paleo) | How We Flourish (2)

This GAPS Intro pancake recipe is easy – just pop the ingredients in a food processor, process until smooth, and you’re good to go! A blender would also work well. The batter will be quite thin and look something like this:

GAPS Intro Pancakes (3 Ingredients, Paleo) | How We Flourish (3)

Although easy, cooking these GAPS Intro Pancakes is a great exercise in patience. They need to be cooked slowly over low heat. This will ensure they are fully cooked with a good texture and without burning them. Cooking with a generous amount of fat will also help with this. The good news is that since they are so small, you can fit multiple pancakes in your cast iron pan (the one below is a size 6).

The pancakes don’t bubble like traditional pancakes, so you have to get a feel for when they are ready. The tops will set, and look something like this:

GAPS Intro Pancakes (3 Ingredients, Paleo) | How We Flourish (4)

And when you flip the pancakes, the bottom will be slightly golden. I noticed that the more fat I use, they less they brown. Don’t worry if they don’t look like traditional browned pancakes – they will still taste wonderful.

GAPS Intro Pancakes (3 Ingredients, Paleo) | How We Flourish (5)

If you cook on low heat until both sides are golden, you can be sure they the pancakes are cooked all the way through. They are delicious with extra fat added, or even extra almond butter. If you can tolerate sugar or fruit, honey or some berries would also be lovely. Paired with soft boiled eggs and a mug of broth, these pancakes make a perfect GAPS Intro meal.

GAPS Intro Pancakes (3 Ingredients, Paleo) | How We Flourish (6)

Note: A serving is 2-3 of these pancakes, paired with healthy fats, proteins, and broth. A single pancake has about 1 tsp of almond butter in it, making it the perfect size for testing almond butter when you are in Stage 3 of Intro.

These pancakes store/freeze really well. Make a large batch to eat throughout the week or save for later. Simple heat them back up with some fat in a cast iron pan.



GAPS Intro Pancakes (3 Ingredients, Paleo)

Yield: 8 Servings

Serving Size: 3 Pancakes

GAPS Intro Pancakes (3 Ingredients, Paleo) | How We Flourish (7)

Simple pancakes made with just 3 ingredients. Delicious and nourishing. Makes about 24 small pancakes.


  • 1 cup squash, cooked
  • 1/2 cup homemade almond butter, or other nut butter
  • 4 pastured eggs
  • Fat for cooking (lard, ghee, coconut oil, etc.)


  1. Warm a cast iron pan on low heat. Melt a generous amount of fat and make sure that the pan warms back up.
  2. Place cooked squash and almond butter in a food processor. Process until well combined.
  3. Add eggs. Pulse to combine.
  4. When the pan and fat are warm, spoon a small amount of batter into the pan - about 2-3 spoonfuls.
  5. Cook until top firms up a bit and bottom is golden. Be patient.
  6. Flip and cook until the other side is golden.
  7. Serve with extra fat and honey (if tolerated).

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GAPS Intro Pancakes (3 Ingredients, Paleo) | How We Flourish (8)

Pin it:GAPS Intro Pancakes (3 Ingredients, Paleo) | How We Flourish (9)Shared on Allergy Free Wednesday, GAPS Recipes Roundup, and Wildcrafting Wednesday

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GAPS Intro Pancakes (3 Ingredients, Paleo) | How We Flourish (12)

GAPS Intro Pancakes (3 Ingredients, Paleo) | How We Flourish (2024)
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