Delightfully Smooth Pear Butter Recipe - (2024)

Delightfully Smooth Pear Butter Recipe - (1)

This crockpot pear butter recipe makes a delicious smooth as butter spread, but fat-free. And, boy, do they look dainty in gift-worthy glass jars! Ittastes great as a spread on a slice of artisan bread toast or drizzled on top of our savory chicken and waffles.

Tips on Making Pear Butter

Here are some tips to help you create a delightfully sweet with an earthy kick pear fruit butter to slather on your favorite toasts:

  • Use ripe fresh pears. Since pears ripen from the inside out, a ripe pear could feel firm but is actually tender enough inside to eat. To check, feel the area near the stem. If it slightly gives in when pushed back, the pear is ripe.
  • If you don’t have an immersion blender, use a potato masher and fork to mash the pears. Then, pass them through a sieve to obtain pear puree.
  • If the pears are sweet enough, you might not need to add sugar anymore. However, as a healthier alternative for sugar, you can use honey, agave, stevia, or maple syrup.
  • You could use cinnamon sticks and ground cinnamon interchangeably. A 3-inch cinnamon stick is equivalent to half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon, so use 2 sticks for this recipe.
  • Add other aromatics to this basicrecipe. You can flavor yourfruit butter with vanilla beans, orange peels, or star anise and cardamom for an earthy spiced pear.
  • The homemade fruit butter lasts for a week in the fridge and for up to six months in the freezer. Store it in a sealed plastic container or in cans.

Looking for other pear recipes? Try making our pear crisp or our diabetic-friendly poached pears for dessert.

How To Make Pear Butter

This easy crockpot pear butter is lusciously smooth with just the right hint of fall spices from the ginger, cloves, nutmeg, and cinnamon. It’s best smeared on a buttered toast.

Prep: 10 mins

Cook: 8 hrs

Total: 8 hrs 10 mins



  • 2 lb green pears, any of your choice, preferably Anjou or Bartlett, peeled, cored, & grated
  • 1 lb red apples, any of your choice, preferably Mcintosh or Gala, peeled, cored, & grated
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 2 cinnamon sticks


  1. Transfer all your ingredients into a crockpot and mix thoroughly until combined. Do not worry if your fruits oxidize.

  2. Cover, then cook on High for 4 hours.

  3. After 4 hours, check your pear butter. If it still appears to be similar to grated fruits, set aside the cinnamon stick and puree the mixture via a food processor or blender until smooth. Skip this step if your pear butter has completely broken down.

  4. If you pureed your mixture, return the mixture back to the crockpot and the cinnamon stick. Continue cooking on High for another 4 hours, uncovered, until liquids have completely evaporated and the mixture thickens.

  5. Discard the cinnamon stick and transfer these onto containers for future use. You can use this as a sandwich or cracker spread, ice cream or frozen yogurt topping, a base for smoothie, or even served together with waffles or pancakes.


  • Sugar: 4g
  • :
  • Calcium: 4mg
  • Calories: 24kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 6g
  • Fat: 1g
  • Fiber: 1g
  • Iron: 1mg
  • Monounsaturated Fat: 1g
  • Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g
  • Potassium: 42mg
  • Protein: 1g
  • Saturated Fat: 1g
  • Sodium: 1mg
  • Vitamin A: 9IU
  • Vitamin C: 2mg
Nutrition Disclaimer

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between pear jam and pear butter?

Pear jam is a sweeter, thicker, chunkier spread made with sugar and pectin. Pear butter is pureed fruit and some spices cooked down to thicken. Fruit butters have a smooth butter-like consistency.

Why is my pear butter gritty?

The gritty texture in pears is caused by stone cells. The more mature the pears are, the more stone cells they develop. The stone cells are completely safe to eat, but not the most appetizing. You can avoid gritty pears when you buy them by picking the ones that are underripe. Let them ripen on the countertop or in the fruit basket. Wrapping them in a paper bag speeds up the ripening process.

Delightfully Smooth Pear Butter Recipe - (2)


All it takes is just a bunch of fresh pears and spices and the help of a crockpot for a wondrous pear butter result. Enjoy the fresh fruity flavor of pears all year round with this delicious crock pot pear butter recipe.


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Delightfully Smooth Pear Butter Recipe - (2024)


Why is my pear butter not thickening? ›

If your pears are very juicy, you'll need to cook them longer so they reduce to the proper consistency for butter. If your pears are less ripe, they will contain more natural pectin that will gel and thicken the pear butter more quickly.

Why is my pear sauce gritty? ›

Pear flesh is infused with very fine grit, made of clusters of stone cells. Stone cells, a subtype of sclereid cells, make up some other very hard tissues like peach pits and nut shells. Stone cells are born with their own death as an end goal. They begin as all other plant cells do, with thin primary walls.

Why is it called pear butter? ›

Pear butter is a fruit spread or thick sauce; it has no butter in it, and I don't know where the name came from. But just like citrus fruits turn into marmalade and berries become jam, pears or apples cooked down into a spread are called “butter.”

What can I do with surplus of pears? ›

Grated pears can be used in numerous ways, from mixing into your morning muesli or porridge, stirred into a salad or coleslaw, baking into bread or buns, or our favourite – whisked into a pancake batter.

How do you make butter firmer? ›

Chill and Store: Place the shaped butter in a bowl of ice water for a few minutes to firm it up. Once it's firm, you can transfer it to an airtight container and store it in the refrigerator. Homemade butter can be stored for a few weeks.

Why is my butter not getting fluffy? ›

Your butter needs to be “room temperature”, or around 65ºF. If it is too cold, it won't blend with the sugar evenly and will be almost impossible to beat it into a smooth consistency; if it is too hot, the butter won't be able to hold the air pockets that you are trying to beat into it.

Why did my pear puree turned brown? ›

Homemade baby food turning brown is a common scenario that occurs in fruits and vegetables (some more than others). You should know that browning isn't indicative of a dangerous batch of baby food—it just means that the process of oxidation has created a browning.

Why did my pear sauce turn pink? ›

Excessive heat changes natural food pigments. Use correct processing methods and time to reduce discoloration. If the fruit grew in dry weather, it often turns pink and cannot be prevented. While the color doesn't look right, the pears are safe to eat.

What is the least gritty pear? ›

The Doyenne du Comice pear, commonly known as Comice, is considered to be one of the sweetest and juiciest pears. It has more of a silky smooth texture -- less grainy, with a blush of red, and a slightly more rounded figure.

What is the shelf life of pear butter? ›

Well, you can make pear butter! Contrary to the name, we aren't actually making "butter", per se; there are no dairy products in this recipe. Prepared this way, the jars should have a shelf life of about 18 months to 2 years...and possibly even longer depending upon the conditions.

What does the P in pear stand for? ›

The mnemonic PEAR is used to recall the four considerations for assessing and mitigating human factors in aviation maintenance: People who do the job; Environment in which they work; Actions they perform; and. Resources necessary to complete the job.

What do jamaicans call avocados pears? ›

The above names refer to one and the same fruit in Jamaica. It has been commonly called "Pear," but "Avocado Pear" is coming to be more generally used by the educated classes. The name "Aligator Pear" here refers to a particular variety which has a very long neck which is crooked like some of the gourds.

What fruit pairs well with pears? ›

Pear: Pairs well with almond, apple, caramel, chestnut, chocolate, cinnamon, citrus, clove, ginger, hazelnut, nutmeg, pecan, raspberry, rosemary, vanilla, and walnut.

Can dogs eat pears? ›

Yes, dogs can eat pears. Pears are a great snack because they're high in copper, vitamins C and K, and fiber. If you're sharing pears with your dog, just be sure to cut the pear flesh into bite-size chunks and remove the pit and seeds first, as the seeds contain traces of cyanide.

What do you do if apple butter doesn't thicken? ›

Apple butter will thicken as it cools, so don't worry if it still looks a little runny in the slow cooker! If you still need to thicken your apple butter, you can continue to cook it uncovered in your crock pot or simmer it on the stove.

Why is my pear jelly not setting up? ›

The first option is to unseal your jars and re-cook the jelly. Add more sugar, add some pectin, and you'll get your gel. Resterilize your jars, top with new lids, and process again.

Why are my pear preserves runny? ›

In order for a jam to set, you need enough pectin and acid. If either are missing, the jam or jelly won't set. You can test for both pectin and acid levels.

How do you thicken fruit butter? ›

You should not add flour or cornstarch to thicken apple butter. All you need to do is keep cooking it until more liquid evaporates.

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