5 Simple Steps to Create a Chore Chart For Kids That Works! • Mindfulmazing.com (2024)

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Inside: How to create a chore chart for kids that’s fun, easy, and teaches responsibility and the value of money. We’ve also included some super fun free printable chore charts to make this really easy for you!

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Ready to get your kids excited to do chores around the house?


It’s often an enormous challenge to get your kids motivated to help out around the house, much less get them excited about it.

But we need to teach our kids to help out, to teach them the value of hard work and money.

And it’s proven that kids actually WANT to help, and they feel immense satisfaction, the same way we do when we have a clean house.


Let’s get started!

5 Simple Steps to Create a Chore Chart For Kids That Works! • Mindfulmazing.com (1)
5 Simple Steps to Create a Chore Chart For Kids That Works! • Mindfulmazing.com (2)

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Because we all want our kids to be happy and healthy — not just for right now, but for the rest of their lives.

Chore Charts For Kids

Recently I stumbled across a candy wrapper ripped apart and strewn across my couch.

I say sternly, “Is this where this wrapper goes?”

It was then I realized I hadn’t taught my son proper responsibility. It wasn’t his fault. He wasn’t messy, rude, or disrespectful.

I’d been his servant from the day he was born.

Well, no more.

AH HA moment.

That’s where the chore chart for kids comes in.

5 Simple Steps to Create a Chore Chart For Kids That Works! • Mindfulmazing.com (3)

I wanted to start using a chore chart to teach my son to become more responsible.

In addition to teaching kids responsibility and respect, it also teaches children financial responsibility and shows them that money comes from work.

I can’t believe how many times I’ve tried to explain to my son why he can’t have that $100 toy.

Well, now he has some perspective. He is learning the value of money.

I want to start by saying that my son LOVES his chore chart!

He is excited to do his chores and make some money. He asks me all day long what else he can do to help out.

It’s amazing.

He completes his tasks, and Wednesdays and Sundays are paydays.

Quick overview: We have three jars; one is for savings (the accountant in me likes to encourage this), the other is for spending, and the last jar is for giving. (Buying presents for someone in need or simply a friend.)

I’m attempting to instill into my son that money can also be used for good deeds. It’s not all for selfish purposes.

He grumbled at this idea at first, but he’s warming up to the idea.

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Why Children Resist Doing Chores

Kids will often resist housework; they want to have fun and play. They don’t want to *work* and especially at tasks that provide no immediate reward.

Do you ever feel like your kids are self-absorbed and only concerned about themselves?

It’s okay. Your child isn’t the devil.

It’s normal. All kids are this way. It’s not part of their nature at such a young age to consider the needs of others.

At the Centre for Parenting Education, they state, “Doing chores willingly requires: mature judgment, less impulsivity, and more awareness of others’ perspective. Children are not born with these traits; they develop gradually as children grow and mature. Part of your job as parents is to socialize your children during the 18 or 20 years that they live with you by helping them to develop these mature qualities. Therefore, it should not be a surprise, and perhaps you should accept and expect, that they resist helping at home.”

5 Simple Steps to Create a Chore Chart For Kids That Works! • Mindfulmazing.com (5)

Benefits of Chores for Kids

Even though you may feel like you are banging your head against a wall, or sounding like a broken record, encouraging your kids to participate in household responsibilities has numerous benefits for your kids.

The Parenting Centre states:

Research indicates that those children who do have a set of chores have higher self-esteem, are more responsible, and are better able to deal with frustration and delay gratification, all of which contribute to greater success in school.

Furthermore, research suggests that involving children in household tasks at an early age can have a positive impact later in life. “The best predictor of young adults’ success in their mid-20s was that they participated in household tasks when they were three or four.”

Kids begin to view themselves as important contributors to the family. This brings connection and an increased sense of self. (and self-esteem)


One day your kids will leave the house, go to university or get a job; it’s important they know how to do laundry or unload a dishwasher. These are basic life skills.

Don’t get caught in this trap:

Doing too much for your kids and expecting nothing back.

Teach your kids the skills of everyday living.

Teaching kids about chores, finances, and responsibility is a skill they will continue to develop throughout their lives. But there are five ways you can make this fun and get them started on the right foot.

How do I make a chore chart for my child?

In a nutshell, you must first list age-appropriate chores you would like your child to do. I suggest starting with a few tasks each day. Then create your chore chart or use one of the many daily charts available for free (or paid) from around the net. (We’ve listed five free ones below for you to choose from).

I would suggest laminating your chart and using velcro stickers or dry-erase markers to take your chore chart to next level! Boom!

How to Create a Chore Chart For Kids – That They’ll Love

5 Simple Steps to Create a Chore Chart For Kids That Works! • Mindfulmazing.com (6)

1. Be a Good Role Model

Here’s the thing:

Your attitude is important in making chores fun for kids. It sets the entire tone of the household.

In Barbara Coloroso’s book, Kids Are Worth It; she states, “If parents do chores with a sense of commitment, patience, and humor, our children will have a model to do likewise.”

Encourage participation, young children especially love to help, and they will feel like a contributing member of the family.

They are so limited in what they can do that it is a big self-esteem booster.

The size of the tasks (or if they are completed perfectly) doesn’t matter. It’s the trust, responsibility, and unity that chores foster that matters.

2. Pick a daily chore chart for kids that works and set appropriate responsibilities

There are so many FREE incredible chore charts for kids to choose from around the net. Here are my five favorite free editable printable chore charts:

2. Ruth Soukup’s Chore Chart for Kids

5 Simple Steps to Create a Chore Chart For Kids That Works! • Mindfulmazing.com (8)

3. Should I be Mopping the Floors – Free Chore Chart For Kids

5 Simple Steps to Create a Chore Chart For Kids That Works! • Mindfulmazing.com (9)

4. A Beautiful Mess’s Simplistic Chore Chart For Kids

5 Simple Steps to Create a Chore Chart For Kids That Works! • Mindfulmazing.com (10)

5. Freebie Finding Mom – A Practical Chore Chart For Kids

5 Simple Steps to Create a Chore Chart For Kids That Works! • Mindfulmazing.com (11)

Consider the age of your kids, their gender, and their personality. Would they like cartoons or bright colors? Perhaps lots of visuals? Or are they older? Would they prefer something more serious?

Take some time to consider what chores you need help with and what life skills you would like your children to learn.

And don’t forget this:

Ask for input from your children…

…kids love when they have a say in decisions.

And hold family meetings to check how things are going. Revisit the chart and revamp things to make it flow better.

Don’t forget to grab your FREE copy of our daily chore chart here. (It includes 21 task cards!)

5 Simple Steps to Create a Chore Chart For Kids That Works! • Mindfulmazing.com (12)

Whatever chart you use, make sure it’s simple for you to keep up with. And that it excites your little one.

Keep it simple.

The worst thing you can do is overwhelm yourself with pressure to stay on top of a chore chart that’s more complicated than deciphering a binary code.

3. Make Sure Chores Are Appropriate to Age

When choosing chores and setting expectations for your kids, you must remember their age limitations.

Kids who are ten can easily take out the garbage, but a toddler might be better equipped to only empty the washroom garbages.

A teenager can empty the dishwasher, but again a toddler might be better to help wipe the table after dinner.

See our chart below for a list of age-appropriate chores.

5 Simple Steps to Create a Chore Chart For Kids That Works! • Mindfulmazing.com (13)


This is more about teaching your kids responsibility and the value of money; don’t expect a spotless house.

A younger child cannot be expected to pack their own lunch, but they can definitely help.


Be patient and set appropriate expectations.

Don’t you wish you could just lounge on the couch sipping tea while your toddler sparkles up the house? We all wish for this, but not gonna happen!

5 Simple Steps to Create a Chore Chart For Kids That Works! • Mindfulmazing.com (14)

4. Place chore charts in an accessible location.

Your chore chart needs to be placed where everyone can access it.

We have ours right on the stairwell wall on a big board that also lists our schedule for the month.

You could hang it in the bedroom, hallway, kitchen, or mudroom.

If you don’t want to use the hanging chore chart, use the cash cards and jars; they can be kept on a tiny bit of counter or dresser space.

And the most important thing:

Make this fun.

(You can also frame your daily chore chart and use dry-erase markers instead of stickers)!

5 Simple Steps to Create a Chore Chart For Kids That Works! • Mindfulmazing.com (15)
5 Simple Steps to Create a Chore Chart For Kids That Works! • Mindfulmazing.com (16)
5 Simple Steps to Create a Chore Chart For Kids That Works! • Mindfulmazing.com (17)

Perhaps each morning and (quickly) review what your expectations are for the day. Keep it simple, fun, and loving.

5 Simple Steps to Create a Chore Chart For Kids That Works! • Mindfulmazing.com (18)


Whether you feel chores are just a necessity of being part of the family or whether you like the idea of an allowance, you will need to decide this as parents beforehand.

This is a personal choice, and you do have a few options,

  1. You can tie the chores to an allowance, or
  2. Use the chores to earn privileges (like more screen time or a night out at the movies)

Personally, my son is motivated by rewards.

I do what works for him. He loves earning money and thinking of what fun toy or treat he will buy.

All the while learning about the value of money, responsibility, and being an active member of the family.

5 Simple Steps to Create a Chore Chart For Kids That Works! • Mindfulmazing.com (19)

I do need to remind him at times, that no, he doesn’t get paid to do certain things.

My son now thinks he should get paid for every little thing he does.

I chuckle at this, but he is only 4, and this is a work in progress.

Nothing is ever perfect. But all in all, the benefits and lessons outweigh the nuisances.

Have fun and get creative. Even if your teen is much “too cool” for a baby sticker chart, they will still be motivated by a grown-up chart and a clear reward.

5 Simple Steps to Create a Chore Chart For Kids That Works! • Mindfulmazing.com (20)

Finally, don’t be afraid to mix it up as you go. The same old chore chart might get boring, so try something new!

5 Simple Steps to Create a Chore Chart For Kids That Works! • Mindfulmazing.com (21)

Chore Chart Ideas

Chore Sticks

If you don’t love using a chore chart, you could consider using Chore Sticks.

Chore Sticks are a fun way to get kids motivated to help out, but the setup is not quite as intensive as a chore chart. All you need is some mason jars, sticks, decorative items, and tape!

Check out this idea (and get full instructions) from Living Well Mom; I’m obsessed.

Routine and Chore Cards

Routine cards are another fabulous idea (that’s super easy to put together). You can just print this set, cut them out, and pick the cards you want to use for the day. Easy-peasy.

5 Simple Steps to Create a Chore Chart For Kids That Works! • Mindfulmazing.com (22)

Premium Chore Chart

If you want to up your chore game, you can snag our Premium Chore Chart Bundle right here, which includes everything you’ll need to be successful. Including weekly chore charts, daily chore charts, age-appropriate chore lists, jar labels, and task cards.

5 Simple Steps to Create a Chore Chart For Kids That Works! • Mindfulmazing.com (23)

Final Thoughts on Chore Charts for Kids

I hope you are convinced of the importance of chores in developing your children’s character.

Let’s help our kids grow up to be self-sufficient adults. It all starts right now!

Remember to model how you handle your own chores (without resentment and anger), and your kids just might tackle their responsibilities with the same enthusiasm.

I hope you love these free printable chore charts for kids, and I hope you have a ton of fun putting this together!

5 Simple Steps to Create a Chore Chart For Kids That Works! • Mindfulmazing.com (24)

I’d love to hear your ideas below about how you motivate your child to do their chores.

5 Simple Steps to Create a Chore Chart For Kids That Works! • Mindfulmazing.com (2024)
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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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